
25 October 2010

Mmmmm coookiieeeeee

Ok. Look guys. You better be fuckin STOKED. Cause you've got a meanass Oatmeal Raisin Rum Cookie coming your way.

And I know what you're thinking so don't even THINK or SAY "oh, I don't like oatmeal raisin cookies, HOW BLAND" because


Yeah, so like normally when you think 'oatmeal raisin cookie' you think of a crunchy, stale, gross, flavorless cookie that really makes rotting deer flesh look better at that precise moment, but this oatmeal raisin rum cookie you're about to bake and place inside your mouthal cavity in your head is just...




So sit down, shut up, and make the cookies. You won't be sorry.
(Unless you do it wrong)

Freakin CRAZY Oatmeal Raisin Rum Cookies of Awesomesauce
2 eggs
2 tbsp vanilla
1 tbsp rum
1.5 cups raisins
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
3 cups oats

Lightly beat eggs, vanilla and rum. Add raisins. Soak for 1-3 hours, preferably in room temperature, covered with aluminum foil.

Preheat oven to 350º. Whisk flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl. Set aside.

Drain the egg mixture into a large bowl, and cream with the butter, sugar and brown sugar. GENTLY stir in flour mixture, only until flour is no longer visible. DO NOT OVERMIX OR YOUR COOKIES WILL NOT BE HEAVENLY.

Gently fold in the oatmeal and raisins. Spray a baking pan with nonstick spray. Plop cookies two inches apart, throw them in the oven for 11-12 minutes or until they still look a little bit gooey underneath the golden, crackly tops of goodness. (Yum.) Don't overbake them, but if you do, just sit them on top of a slice of bread overnight and they won't be completely unheaven-ized.

Enjoy. Especially straight out of the oven. Have a glass of milk and a soft place to swoon and faint on to nearby. Give them to everyone, watch the marriage proposals roll in. Bribe your state lottery executives with them, watch the moolah roll in.


(Note to Jenni: If you make these, make sure to call me and put me on speakerphone so I can tell you if you're doing it right since your cooking sucks kinda. BY WHICH I MEAN I LOVE YOU!!!)


PS. Food porn to come once I make them.

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We rock.

Jenni and Heather are two sisters who live in completely different places, and do completely different things with their lives.